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Cartmel Fell Scarecrow Trail 2025

The scarecrow entries are listed below.

If you'd like to vote for your favourite, you can also read how to do this below.

The x family decided their theme would be "xyz" for their entry. Have a look at their scarecrow below and go and see it in person on the Fell! â€‹â€‹


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sit amet risus enim. Aenean tristique blandit enim ac ornare. Duis blandit, mi feugiat interdum faucibus, augue felis dictum nibh, at euismod odio ligula vitae orci. 


Phasellus vitae ante eget augue viverra porttitor vitae vitae metus. Morbi eget est nisi, id vulputate arcu. Nunc commodo purus eget risus luctus ut venenatis diam feugiat. Vivamus sed lorem neque, sit amet molstie lectus.


Curabitur sagittis, turpis sed ornare cursus, libero turpis sagittis mi, tristique elementum felis lectus ultrices velit. Nulla facilisi. Praesent laoreet ultricies velit, nec rhoncus ante commodo eget. Mauris bibendum sapien eu justo pretium consequat.


Where is the trail?

We've made a map so that you can visit the scarecrows and enjoy them all! 


There are x scarecrows listed and you may spot some extras as you travel around too.


Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 13.54.43.png

VOTE for your favourite scarecrow!

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