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100 Club

If you'd like to support the Parish Hall, you may be interested in joining the 100 Club.


Cartmel Fell Community Trust 100 Club

Membership Subscriptions for the 100 Club are currently £12 per year, with a draw made for £25 every month.


All proceeds from the 100 Club go towards the general upkeep of our lovely Hall.

Anyone is able to subscribe to have a chance of winning, whilst also making a contribution to a very worthy cause. There are 3 prizes drawn each quarter, and prizes are awarded purely on chance.

If you would like to join, please get in touch.

Have you seen our newly refurbished toilets? This is the first part of our long-term refurbishment programme, which we hope you approve of!

The 100 Club is a great way of supporting Cartmel Fell Community Trust,
ensuring that the Parish Hall is looked after and maintained for everyone in our community to use for many years to come.

Payment can be made straight into the Cartmel Fell Community Trust bank account by electronic transfer, or by cheque and posted to our Treasurer.

If you'd like to join the subscription for this year, Contact Us for the details of how to pay. 

Many thanks for your continued support.

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